Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Blog the First: "This is not a blog about toothpaste."

So I thought about writing a blog. I mean, I like to talk, I like to write, and I generally don't mind sharing my opinion, so why not? Well, one could argue that there are a lot of boring bloggers out there, just typing away whatever they feel like going on about, expecting that people will then read their random blog and somehow be fascinated by it. As I said before, I would hate to be lumped into that category of people who blog about toothpaste. That being said, it seemed clear from the numerous responses of my facebook friends that toothpaste might be just what the public is looking for. Thanks to them, I almost ended up with a blog entitled "The Toothpaste Chronicles." (It was made clear by several of my loyal friends that they would, indeed, read a blog by that title.) Another viable option for a title came from my sister-in-law, who knows me so well, she suggested I title the blog "Finally, Marnie says what's on her mind!" I actually laughed out loud for a good minute when I got that suggestion, and the hilarious irony of it nearly won me over to actually using it. (Thanks, Annie!)

Anyway, I'm gonna try this out. I'm not sure how to describe what this blog might be about, since I haven't yet figured out what I'm about. Theology? Interpreting? The Deaf World? Being a Third Culture Kid? Traveling the world? Theater? Scrapbooking? Maybe you could say there might be a little something for everybody here. OR maybe it will just end up being a lot of little somethings about me. Either way, I can promise you one thing: This is not a blog about toothpaste.