Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I suck at blogging.

So my little project that began with the idea of starting a blog has gone up in a metaphorical cloud of smoke. Either because of my irritating desire to please people or my obsessive need for perfection, every single blog post idea I have had in the last two months has been tossed aside for one or another reason. Moreover, simultaneous to the hibernation of my brain's creative side, my life suffered the addition of a new set of responsibilities, which promptly usurped nearly all of my computer time, leaving me with far too many excuses not to blog. At this point, it seems like it's been so long, I almost feel the need to beg forgiveness and delete my blog from the cyber-world altogether so it can no longer torture anyone with its nonexistence. However, as I am attempting to rid my life of its overarching pattern of starting projects and not finishing them, I have decided to push through the nothingness in search of something... anything... to fill this void. Wish me luck.

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